Editing Services

To increase the likelihood of your article's publication, consider having it reviewed by a native English speaker who possesses expertise in your field. Articles that opt for the language editing services tend to achieve a higher Field-Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI), resulting in increased publication rates. A FWCI of 1 or higher indicates that the actual number of citations received by a publication surpasses what would be expected for an output with similar attributes.

Food Science Publisher, with over 20 years of expert publishing experience, is a credible source in the field of food, nutrition, and functional food sciences. It is important to note that this service is exclusively dedicated to publications within the Functional Food Center's (FFC) journals. This language editing service ensures that your article will meet the submission criteria for the FFC journals and guarantees that it will not be rejected due to the quality of English.  




Guarantees that the article is in proper English before submission.

Guarantees that the article is in proper English before submission, with a fast editing turnaround.

Provides advanced editing support to meet the journal’s submission requirements, with a fast editing turnaround.

5-20 business days

2-4 business days

4-10 business days

Starts from $70

for 0-500 words.

Starts from $130

for 0-500 words.

Starts from $155

for 0-500 words.

Native speakers in the United States, who are experts in your field of study, are selected.

Native speakers in the United States, who are experts in your field of study, are selected.

Native speakers in the United States, who are experts in your field of study, are selected.

Rigorous language check, including spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.

Rigorous language check, including spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.

Rigorous language check, including spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.

Polish professional style, tone, and terminology.

Polish professional style, tone, and terminology.

Polish professional style, tone, and terminology.

Eliminate repetition, redundancy, and superfluous language.

Eliminate repetition, redundancy, and superfluous language.

Eliminate repetition, redundancy, and superfluous language.

Complimentary re-edit or refund if journal submission is rejected due to language.

Complimentary re-edit or refund if journal submission is rejected due to language.

Complimentary re-edit or refund if journal submission is rejected due to language.

Article formatting compliant with the FFC’s guidelines.

Article formatting compliant with the FFC’s guidelines.

Article formatting compliant with the FFC’s guidelines.


Faster turnaround time.

Concentration on logic, flow, organization, and consistency of content.



Enhancement of clarity, coherence, and overall presentation.



References undergo a thorough review for completeness and are edited to meet the FFC’s standards.



Track changes feature is provided, allowing the author to view corrections made.