Study the effect of labneh balls fortified with zinc salts on the proportions of nitrogenous substances, micro-textural structure, and some nutritional indicators
Background: Labneh is a dairy product with many of the same benefits as yogurt. The total solids percentage is raised during production by draining the whey out of the yogurt. This is done by hanging the yogurt in cloth bags until the desired texture is achieved. Labneh, after being sweetened, can be used in place of cream cheese, sour cream, or cake cream. Labneh is known to have fewer calories than common condiments such as cream cheese and sour cream. This is due to its reduced fat content Labneh is a popular cuisine all over the world, particularly in the Middle East and the Balkan nations. In conclusion, the effect of fortification was clear in the results of the nutritional experiment conducted on mice, as zinc salts had an effect in maintaining the weight gain of the experimental animals, in addition to a role in strengthening the immune system.
Objective: This study aimed to explore the effects of enhancing traditional labneh cheese with mineral salts—specifically sulfate and zinc acetate—at concentrations of 7.5 and 15 mg/kg. The focus was on evaluating the alterations in chemical composition, particularly nitrogenous compounds, and the micro-textural properties. Additionally, the study assessed how these enhancements influenced the sensory qualities of the labneh both immediately after production and following a storage period of twenty days.
Materials and Methods: Raw, whole cow's milk (12% T.S., 4% fat) was used to make labneh in the lab. After being heated to 90 °C for five minutes in a water bath, the milk was cooled to 45 °C, and a CH1 starter was added. The mixture was then incubated at 45 °C for three to four hours. The cloth was allowed to cool at room temperature for one hour after it had coagulated completely. After chilling overnight at 15 degrees Celsius, it was salted at 5 degrees Celsius for 22 hours, by placing it in a clean cloth bag and storing it in the fridge.
Results:The experiment revealed a non-significant rise in nitrogenous substances for the control group versus the zinc-treated labneh. However, there were no notable differences in nitrogen content between the control and zinc-enhanced groups. The treatment labneh balls were less white than the control treatment balls, suggesting that the fortification process with zinc salts caused this difference. Increased cohesion and hardness of the manufactured Labneh compared to the control treatment had an apparent effect on the micro-textural structure of the treated Labneh, as the interstitial spaces were reduced, and the casein tissue closed. In addition to its role in bolstering the immune system, the results of the nutritional experiment on rats showed that zinc salts influence maintaining the weight increase of the trial animals.
Keywords: Labneh balls, zinc salts, texture, flavor, chemical composition, body weight.
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